Whoa, how did it end up being July already? Summer is flying by quickly over at the Tagliarina household. I've been busy at work and getting back to work on the Parenting in Academia project that Sarah and Jamie and I have been working on. We just submitted our IRB paperwork, so hopefully we'll get it approved and be able to start the interviews before the summer ends.
We're also busy packing because we move to our new apartment in 10 days!!!!! We have friends (yay friends!!) lined up to help us move. Graduate students are very easy to bribe with food.
Dan's summer class starts next week and he's been very busy getting all of the administrative stuff taken care of for it and has started writing his lectures. He's very excited to teach his own class. He also found out that he will be teaching Introduction to Political Theory in the Fall semester. He found out several months later than everyone else teaching in the Fall because of budget stuff. So he's also been rushing around trying to do everything he needs to do for that class. It's lots of work but a great opportunity. Dan should have a really great teaching portfolio when he goes out on the job market. He's also been working on articles to send out to journals for review, but no word on any of that so far.
I have not gotten much of my own stuff done because working all day is kind of exhausting. Staring either at the computer or size 8 font for 7.5 hours wears out my eyes. I have gotten a lot of packing done, however, so hopefully when we actually hit moving day we will be in good shape. I've also done my last load of laundry in a pay machine (crossing fingers) because we're getting our own washer and dryer. I'm so excited!!!
The kitties have been all wide eyed and crazy about all of the packing and the change in their surroundings. Wait until they actually move! Lenin has been very talkative since we got back from Ohio, and they've both started chirping at the birds like my mom's cat does. We think he taught them. :) I hope the new apartment has a window that faces the trees so that they have birds to watch.
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