Monday, July 27, 2009


A quick update on our moving adventure. We are all moved into the new apartment and all moved out of the old apartment. We just finished cleaning this weekend. We still have a substantial amount of unpacking to do ::sigh::.

We're switching to AT&T for Internet and Direct TV for cable (well I guess it's actually satellite) because we are fed up with Cox Cable. I spent over 5 hours on the phone with them over three days attempting to get the internet to work. They were supposed to send someone out, Dan stayed home, the person did not come when they were supposed to, and then we find out that when they told me that a technician would be there at 3pm they really meant 3-5pm and that someone needed to be home in that whole window. The window that they neglected to mention to me, of course. Now we're in the process of getting approval from our rental company for the satellite dish, which is supposed to be simple, but they're can't find the form they need, so I've been sitting here for about 5 hours waiting for them to call me and tell me they found the form. I think it's probably not happening today.

Enough complaining, at least we are in our new apartment. It's wonderful! I love having a washer and dryer and a dishwasher. And we have storage space!!!! The cats are adjusting well, although Lenin is still kind of skiddish when we get home after being gone all day.

I have a Lenin kitty demanding attention and trying to lay on my keyboard so that's all for now. I'll post pictures once everything is unpacked.

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